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Тема-условные предложения.выбрать правильный вариант в скобках conditionals 1.if you had given me more time ,i (1.would make,2.made,3.would have made) a better report last week. 2.if you(1.took,2.have taken,3.take) more exercise,you would feel better. 3.i'll give you my address when i (1.would find,2.find,3.found) somewhere to live.
4.many people would be out of work if that factory (1.will close down,2.closes down,3.closed down). 5.if i was offered the job ,i think i (1.take,2.took,3.would take) it. 6.do you think he would be angry if i (1.shall ask,2.asked,3.have asked) him to help me? 7.if i have time,i (1.shall,2.have,3.will have) go to the meeting. 8.would they come if we (1.invited,2.shall invite,3.invite)
them ? 9.if i (1.had known,2.knew,3.will know) his addres ,i would tell you.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.if you had given me more time ,i would have made a better report last week.

2.if you took more exercise,you would feel better.

3.i'll give you my address when i find somewhere to live.

4.many people would be out of work if that factory closed down.

5.if i was offered the job ,i think i would take it.

6.do you think he would be angry if i asked him to help me?

7.if i have time,i shall go to the meeting.

8.would they come if we invitedthem ?

9.if i knew his addres ,i would tell you.

Igo to the bar and drinking juice behind me dance girl i say are you like drink? she said no.i going to home and sleeping.i vake up at 10 am usualy i wake at 7.i brush teeth and going  to job.my boss said why you late i say i aam homesick and me fired to job.

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