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Пронумеруйте в последовательности the mice lived in the palace and ate the kings cheese. everyone in the country could smell that cheese. the king called his wise men to help him. thats easy, the wise men answered. he lived in a beautiful palace and he liked cheese. once upon a time there lived a king. he asked, how can i get rid of there mice

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Ответы на вопрос:

Once upon a time there lived a king. he lived in beautiful place and he liked cheese. every one in the country could smell that cheese. the mice lived in a palace and ate the kings cheese. the king called his wise men to help him. he asked, how can i get rid of there mice that's easy, the wise men answered.

When  can  you  do  it? – когда ты сможешь сделать это? where  can  you  do  it? – где ты сможешь сделать это?   what  did you eat? – что ты ел? when  did you eat? – когда ты ел? where  did you eat? – где ты ел?   why  are we going to her? – почему мы идем к ней?   why can’t you swim? – почему ты не умеешь плавать? what doesn’t she know about you? – что она не знает про тебя? when didn’t he go to train? – когда он не ходил на тренировки?   what language do you know: english  or  spanish? – какой ты язык знаешь: или испанский?

Популярно: Английский язык