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Вставьте нужный предлог. переведите предложения: 1) tom , go blackboard. 2) put these books bag. 3) i am desk. 4) take my . 5) the pen is not in the bag. it is

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) tom , go to the blackboard. - том, иди к доске. 2) put these books in the bag. - положи эти книжки в сумку. 3) i am at the desk. - я - за партой. 4) take my copybooks from jake. - возьми мои тетради у джека. 5) the pen is not in the bag. it is outside of it. - ручки не в сумке. она вне ее ( она снаружи).

1) to annoy/ e) to make someone fell uncomfortable, to bother 2) pretty / c)sweetly pleasing 3) to rebel/ f) to fight against authority 4) bored/ b)tired of something uninteresting and dull 5) couple/ g) two things that are the same or go together in some way 6) to notice/ h) to pay attention by seeing , heating or feeling something 7) mad/ a) very stupid 8) to shake/ d) to move quickly up and down, back and forth 9) rebellion/ j) struggle against those who have power 10) to expect/ i) to look forward to something, to think that something may happen

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