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1. in the past, britons mainly drank / have drunk tea; but in recent years, coffee became / has become increasingly popular. chains of coffee shops, such as starbucks, opened / have opened in city centres across the country and now more than 80 per cent of britons visit a coffee shop at least once a week. spending on coffee rose / has risen by 15 per cent since last year. a recent /
recently report shows that starbucks is the chain that is growing most rapid / rapidly and has a market share of 25 per cent. costa coffee is a close / closely competitor with a 21 per cent market share. the number of coffee shops in city centres now reached / has now reached а maximum level, and the chains are trying to expand into small towns. this could be bad news for small cafes:
if the chains continue to expand, many small outlets would / could go out of business. we asked two consumers for their opinions on coffee shops. matt wingford, an accountant, says: 'i like the coffee - it's excellent. but my local coffee shop is often very noisy / noisily. i went / would go more often if it would be / was quieter.' cathy mansfield, a student, says: 'it's great. my
friends and i go there regular / regularly. but the coffee is quite expensive. i will / would drink more coffee if it is / was cheaper.' 2. подобрать правильное слово they produced a remarkable number of good ideas for new toys, which meant that their company was able to extend its 1__ of popular products. but things changed when the team's manager left to join a
competitor. the new manager was much less successful in 2_ the team. instead of staff and praising them for their ideas, he put pressure on them. he tried to make them work harder and longer. this didn't increase their4_ : it reduced it. in fact, as the team became more and more stressed, their5__ declined. their product ideas were unpopular and failed to satisfy . now the company is
losing market share and needs to find a solution. 1)quantity-amount-range 2)making-motivating-supplying 3)encouraging-improving-contributing 4)efficiency-production-process 5)creative-creativity-creation 6)delay-discovery-demand 7)real-radical-traditional + вложение

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Ответы на вопрос:

in the past, britons mainly drank  tea; but in recent years, coffee  has become increasingly popular.

chains of coffee shops, such as starbucks, have opened in city centres across the country and now more than 80 per cent of britons visit a coffee shop at least once a week.

spending on coffee rose by 15 per cent since last year.

a recent  report shows that starbucks is the chain that is growing most  rapidly and has a market share of 25 per cent. costa coffee is a close competitor with a 21 per cent market share.

the number of coffee shops in city centres  has now reached а maximum level, and the chains are trying to expand into small towns.

this could be bad news for small cafes: if the chains continue to expand, many small outlets would  go out of business.

we asked two consumers for their opinions on coffee shops.

matt wingford, an accountant, says: 'i like the coffee - it's excellent.

but my local coffee shop is often very noisy .

  i would go more often if it  was quieter.'

cathy mansfield, a student, says: 'it's great. my friends and i go there    regularly.

but the coffee is quite expensive. i will  drink more coffee if it is  cheaper.'

2. подобрать правильное словоthey produced a remarkable number of good ideas for new toys, which meant that their company was able to extend its 1 amount  of popular products.

but things changed when the team's manager left to join a competitor. the new  manager was much less successful in 2supplying_   the team. instead of 3encouraging staff and  praising them for their ideas, he put pressure on them. he tried to make them work harder and  longer. this didn't increase their 4 efficiency_ : it  reduced it. in fact, as the team became more and  more stressed, their 5 creativity  declined. their  product ideas were unpopular and failed to  satisfy customer 6  demand . now the company  is losing market share and needs to find a  7radical  solution.

1. drank

has become


has risen




has now reached




was quiter




2. range







1 halloween

2 bonfire night

3 st. patricks day

4 new year

5 thanksgiving day

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