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Перевести на , правильно использовав времена. 1) было уже поздно когда они вернулись домой 2) спектакль не произвел на них особого впечатления 3)они приехали в этот город в прошлом году и остались здесь жить. 4) он влюбился в нее с первого взгляда 5) они долго сидели и разговаривали последних новостях 6) никто не видел ее с прошлой недели

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  it was already late when they came back home. 2. the perfomance didn't really impress them. 3. they came to this city last year and stayed to live here. 4. he fell  in love with her at first sight. 5. they were sitting together and discussing the latest news for long. 6. nobody's seen her since last week.

1)it isa lovely day.   2)there is  hardly a cloud in the sky. 3)we havea heat wave. it is25 degrees above zero.  4)it is  very close today. not a leaf was stirring. 5)there is hardly a breath of air.   6) the sky is overcast. 7)the sun  is going in.8)  a  thunderstorm is  coming.  9)it israining hard.   10)  it is winter. it is cold. 11)there has been a good fall of snow and a hard frost. 12)  the ground is covered with snow. 13)there are frost sparkles on the branches, and icicles hang from the houses.14). there is a wonderful rainbow in the sky ! 15)  today is not so foggy as it was yesterday

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