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А) из представленных фраз сделайте фразы аналогичные по смыслу с использованием пассивного залога. учитывайте время, в скобках. 1) english - to speak (present simple) 2) films - to watch (past simple) 3) posters - to make (present simple) 4) stories - to tell (past simple) 5) computer games - to buy (future simple) 1) books - to write (present simple) 2) volleyball - to play (past simple) 3) songs - to sing (present simple) 4) skateboards - to ride (past simple) 5) a prize - to win (future simple) б) из предложений в активном залоге сделайте предложения в пассивном залоге. 1) they understand spanish. 2) my friend bought a new car. 3) john cleaned the bathroom. 4) the teacher closes the window. 5) the girls can play handball. 1) somebody wrote a book in 1997. 2) they will show this film on tv. 3) rick gave up smoking. 4) they build the road. 5) snow covered the mountains. в) сделайте из предложений в пассивном залоге, предложения в активном залоге. 1) the telephone was invented by alexander graham bell. 2) this book was written by an irishman. 3) the president was elected by the people. 4) the bag was packed by his mother. 5) the child was hit by a car. 1) the exercise is completed by the teacher. 2) the club was founded by ron and peggy. 3) football is played by the children. 4) the computer is used by patrick. 5) coffee is sold by marie.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) english is  spoken (present simple)  2) films were  watched (past simple)  3) posters are  made (present simple) 4) stories were  told (past simple) 5) computer games will be bought  (future simple)    1) books are  written (present simple) 2) volleyball was  played (past simple)  3) songs are  sung (present simple)  4) skateboards were  ridden (past simple) 5) a prize will be  won (future simple)1) spanish is  understood by them.  2) a new cars was  bought by my friend  . 3) the bathroom was  cleaned by  john    .  4) the window is closed by the teacher  . 5) handball    can be  played by the girls  .  1) a book was  written by somebody    in 1997.  2) this film  will be  shown   on tv. 3) smoking was  given up by  rick    4) the  road  is  built by them .  5) the mountains were  covered by snow  . 1)  alexander graham  bell  invented the telephone 2) an irishman    wrote this book  . 3) the  people  elected the  president    .  4) his mother packed the bag  . 5) a  car  hit the child   .  1) the  teacher completes the  exercise  . 2)  ron and peggy    founded the club   .  3) the children  play football   .  4) patrick  uses the computer .  5)  marie  sells coffee  . 

1. -, the, the

2. -, the, the

3. The, -

Популярно: Английский язык