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Саттестационными по языку! 1.заполните пропуски словами ,которые находятся после предложений. 1)i became when he turned up late again.(fury) 2)the film was quite .(bore) 3)can you the text about marie curie? (summery) 2.употребите предложения в passive voice 1) calven klen has designed this dress. 2) they are building a new bridge. 3) my mother will knit a pink sweater for me. 4) karen sent james an invitation. 3. употребите предложения в косвенной речи. 1) "i enjoy traveling a lot," she said. 2) "i visited spain last year," he said. 3) "traveling solo is the best thing i've ever done," he said. 4) "i'm looking for an interesting destination," said tim. 4.вставьте вместо пропусков if или unless . 1) we can't go play golf it stops rain. 2) they beat this team, they will win the tournament. 3) you can't go skydiving you're afraid of heights. 5.правильно употребите глаголы в скобках. 1) i ) the dog for a walk every day after school. 2) jade ) for a new job at the moment. 3) this cake (taste) delicious. 4) tie your shoelaces. you ) over them. 5) george ) a meal when the phone rang.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. 1) furious 2) boring 3) summary 2. this dress has been designed by calven klen. (вообще-то пишется calvin klein) a new bridge is being built. a pink sweater will be knitted for me by my mother. james was sent an invitation by karen. 3.  she said she enjoyed travelling a lot. he said he had visited spain the previous year. he said travelling solo was the best thing he'd ever done. tim said he was looking for an interesting destination. 4. 1) unless 2) if 3) if 5. take, is looking, tastes, will trip, was cooking.

3. употребите предложения в косвенной речи. 1) she said that  she enjoyed traveling a lot 2) he said that  he   visited spain  last year 3) he said. that traveling solo  was the best thing he had   ever done,"  4)tim said that he was looking for an interesting destination," 2.употребите предложения в passive voice 1) this dress has been designed by calven klein  . 2)  a new bridge is being built by them . 3)a pink sweater will be knitted by  my mother  4)an invitation was  sent to james.






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