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Переведите на ! communication is of great importance in organizational structure. a smooth, two-way flow (from management to employees and from employees to management) ensures efficient functioning through feedback, suggestions, and grievances 2) there are three management levels: top management, middle management, and operating management 3). гор management includes the president, vice presidents, and the general manager. middle management includes department managers, plant managers, and production superintendents 4). operating management includes supervisors, foremen, etc.

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Важно в организационной структуре. гладкий, двухсторонний поток(от сотрудникам и от сотрудников ), гарантируетэффективное функционирование через обратную связь, предложения и обиды 2) тамтри уровня: высшее руководство, среднее звено руководства и работа 3). гор включает президента, вице-президентов и генерального директора. среднее звено руководства включает начальников отделов, руководителей предприятия и производственных руководителей 4). операционное включает наблюдателей, диспетчеров, и т.д.

1) did they enjoy themselves at the symphony yesteday evening?

2) i went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday.

3) i will stay at home till she comes. then we will go to the theatre if she brings tickets.

4) it is vety late, it is time to go to bed.

5) he works at a hospital.

6) they are good dancers, but they don't go to discos very often.

7) last tuesday lisa flew from london to madrid.

8) jim always goes to work by car.

9) don't drink coffee before you go to bed. you will not sleep.

10) shaespeare wrote many plays and poems.

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