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Написать письмо по , на тему " моя новая школа " прошу !

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Ответы на вопрос:

Дорогая мама,я живу хорошо.в школе я завел(а) много хороших друзей.они меня ознакомили со школой.так же у меня в школе есть собственный ящик где лежат мои учебники. dear mother,i live horochow school, i got a lot of good gruzian me acquainted with skolota same at my school has its own mailbox where are my tutorials.

1)there are some apples on the table.  2)there were not any oranges in the store.  3)there was a chair near the door yeasterday.  4)there was some bread left in the fridge.  5)is there any juice on the shelf? 6)are there any pencils on the desk? 7)what is there under the sofa? 8)who is there smilling on the photo? 9)what was there standing  by the window? 10) who was there before i came?

Популярно: Английский язык