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Перевод на рус.яз. winter,spring,summer and autumn are four seasons of the year.it is cold in winter.it often snows.the trees are white.children can ski and skate.the days are short,the nights are long in winter.it is warm in spring.sometimes the wind blows.birds sing their songs.the trees and grass are green.it is usually hot in summer.the days are long,the nights are short.children dont go to school.they can swim and play games.autumn is a cold season, but it is beautiful.the trees are yellow,red and brown.it often rains.shool always starts in autumn.

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Зима, весна, лето и осень это четыре времена года. зимой холодно. часто илет снег. деревья белые. дети катаются на лыжах и коньках. зимой дни короткие, а ночи длинные. весной тепло. иногда дует ветер. птицы поют свои песни. деревья и трава зеленые. обычно жарко летом. дни долгие, а ночи короткие. дети не ходят в школу. они могут плавать и играть в игры. осень холодное время года, но красивое. деревья желтые, красные и коричневые. часто идут дожди. школа начинает работать осенью.

1. if you leave your roller skates on the path someone definitely will slip over them.2. i would buy) shares in that company if i had some money.  3. you can’t see tom now: he is having a bath.  4. these workmen has never been never satisfied; they are always complaining.  5. if i knew) his address i’d give it to you. 6. the director didn’t allow the actors to travel by air while they were working on the film.  7. her phone has been ringing for ten minutes. i wonder why she doesn’t answer it.  8. in a hundred years’ time people will go to mars for their holiday.  9. she had a headache; otherwise she came) with us.  10. when you do 4,000 kilometres you can drive it at 70 k.p.h.

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