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Нужен диалог на языке в прямой и косвенной речи на тему "каникулы": любимое место отдыха, чем люблю заниматься и т.д.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello! my name is alexandra.i love go for a walk.you were in london? -yes,i was -oh,i want to go in london -why? -because my parents go to grandmother and grandfather -when you going? -we are going to summer -ok,good.can you to do for me some pictures? -yes,sure -thanks,what are you interests? -i am interesting in pets and play game and you? -i too.my dream is to see tower of london and london bridge -nothing,soon and you can see it.bye! i should  go. -ok,bye! bye! i will wait you

It`s not a fairy tale, why dont we say hoorey? its holiday today. play the drum for your dad and  mum. lets parade, dont be afraid. (по одному слову вставлять? )

Популярно: Английский язык