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1.заполните пропуски в предложении. tom said he … to see us when he … in moscow. выберите один ответ: а)came, is б)will come, has been в)would come, was г)comes, would be 2.заполните пропуски в предложении. he knew that she … the next week. выберите один ответ: а)would be returning б)would have returned в)will return г)would return 3.заполните пропуски в предложении. he says he … the book by the time i … him to give it back .выберите один ответ: а)will have been reading, ask б)will have read, ask в)would have been reading, asked г)will read, asked 4.заполните пропуски в предложении. i was sure that kate by the time i … . выберите один ответ: а)came, would arrive б)will come, arrive в)comes, have arrived г)would have come, arrived 5.заполните пропуски в предложении. he has said that he … at 7 o’clock. выберите один ответ: а)would have come б)will have come в)would come г)will come

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)в)would come ,was 2)г)would return 3)б)will have read,ask 4)г 5)а)would have come

2.хиз   из   реббит   биг   анд   фет                                                                                  

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