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Вставить пропущ слова am,is,are pupil.2 brave and strong? yes, tim lazy. 4 my .5 the forest.6 toms cat funny.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i am a pupil. я ученик. 2. are you brave and strong? — yes, i am. ты храбрый и сильный? — да, я такой. 3. tim is not lazy. тип не ленив. 4. my name is ann. меня зовут анна. 5. they are in the forest. они находятся в лесу. 6. tom's cat is funny. кот тома смешной.

1.- They say this winter is going to be much colder than last year. prediction

2.- Look at this mess! i will help you to clean it up.

3.- They are going to buy hybrid car next month. plan or Intention

4.- It's so hot in here. I will turn on the air-conditioning

5.- Be careful with that dog. It will bite you.

6.- Don't go out without a coat! You will catch cold.

7.- The phone is ringing. I will answer it. warning

8.- Don't eat that. You will be ill.

9.- The weather is going to be pleasant at the weekend.

10.- We’re travelling  to the USA this summer.

11.- Look at the clouds! It

is going to rain soon.

12.- That child eats too much. He will be really fat one day.

13.- I’m going to visit Bob tomorrow. plan or intention

14.- Rain is continuing all the weekend.

15.- It’s going to be a difficult year for the new Prime Minister.

16.- Experts say that pollution

will  be increased in ten years.

17.- One day, I will become a doctor.

18.- She is very tired. She

will take a nap.

19.- I'm sure they

will not find the street without a map.

20.- Peter

is taking a taxi to the beach this afternoon.

21.- They

are flying in a helicopter next weekend.

22.- Be quiet or you

will leave the classroom.

23.- Hmm... What should I wear? I know! I will wear my blue shirt.

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