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Перевести на язык как мы можем природе (наша ) мы можем не бросать мусор, не топтать цветы, не ломать деревья, не бросать пакеты ( использовать малое количество пакетов, ведь он исчезнет через век), не срывать цветы, использывать меньше газа. если на эту тему вы можете добавить свой пример, то тоже пишите! но ниже! и перевод своего придуманного!

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Ответы на вопрос:

How we can help  nature  (our help)  we can not throw garbage, do not trample the flowers, the trees do not break, do not throw packages (use a small number of packets, because it will disappear after a century), do not pluck flowers, mā less gas.

How we can help nature (our help) we can not throw garbage, do not trample the flowers, the trees do not break, do not throw packages (use a small number of packets, because it will disappear after a century), do not pluck flowers, mā less gas.

  medicines, when used appropriately, are on of the most cost-effective health care interventions. 3. it is important to start treatment at the early stage of disease. 4. they succeeded in obtaining reliable results in surgery. 5. many unexpected adverse reactions occuring in a small percentage of persons exposed to a drug can be explained as a genetically determined abnormal reactivity to a drug. 7. with technology having reached a high stage of development, new methods of work became possible.













Популярно: Английский язык