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3. составьте утвердительные и отрицательные предложения. используйте am/i am not/is/isn't/are/aren't. (st petersburg/the second largest city of russia) st petersburg is the second largest city of russia. (i/an athlete) - i am an athlete. ) (i/late) i . 2) (i/hungry) i . 3) (we/busy) we . 4) (my hands/cold) . 5) (.everest/the highest mountain) . 6) (the water/ . 7) (alpine skiing/a dangerous sport) . 8) (dogs/friendly animals)…

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Ответы на вопрос:

St. petersburg is the second largest city of russia. st. petersburg isn't the second largest city of russia. i am an athelete. i am not an athlete. i am late. i am not late. i am hungry. i am not hungry. we are busy. we aren't busy. my hands are cold. my hands aren't cold. everest is the highest mountain. everest isn't the highest mountain. the water is warm. the water isn't warm. alphine skiing is a dangerous sport. alphine skiing isn't  a dangerous sport. dogs are friendly animals. dogs aren't friendly animals.

1. На концертах и обложках журналов

At concerts and magazine covers.

2.Лиза жила в маленьком доме с родителями и тремя братьями. Чтобы заработать деньги, работала уборщицей в больнице.

Liza lived in a small house with her parents and three brothers. To earn money, she worked as a cleaner in a hospital.

3. Она стройная и элегантно одета в дизайнерскую одежду.

She is a slim and elegantly dressed in designer clothes.

4. Она соблюдает диету и каждый день ходит в спортзал.

She follows a diet and goes to the gym every day.

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