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Перевести russia is definitely worth visiting, because it is one of the most important and influential countries in the world. besides, moscow is a wonderful city. i was greatly impressed with the city and the sights. and what is more, where else will you find such beautiful landscapes? (hitomi, japan)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Россию безусловно нужно посетить, потому что это одна из самых важных и влиятельных стран в мире. кроме того, москва замечательный город. я был впечатлен городом и достопремичательностями. и более того, где вы найдёте такие красивые пейзажи? (хитоми, япония).

утверждениее: l like animals, she is cooking, he can swim, i can swim one kilometer, we are friends, you are clever.

отрицание: i can't cooking, she isn't stupid, we aren't understand you, she isn't love with him, you don't want do that, he isn't evel.

вопросительные: can you dance? , are your friends are good? is he cool? is she pretty girl? are we best friends? can you sing?


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