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По этому тексту составить 10 вопростов на , прямо сейчас нужно! the internet is a very popular mass media. we use it everywhere: for selling , buying, advertising goods, for communication. businesses use the internet to get access to complex databases. media and entertainment сompanies use the net broadcast audio and vidio. scientists use it to communicat use сollegnes to perform researches, to publish articles. individuals use the internet for communication, entertainment finding information. young people spend mach time chatting with friends, playing on-line games and downloading music, films and say on. reading books on the net is also very popular

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. where do we use the internet? 2. how do businesses use the internet? 3. who spends much time chatting with friends? 4. is reading books on the net popular? 5. can people use the internet for buying things? 6. do young people play online games  on the net? 7. how do scientists use the internet? 8. how do individuals use the internet? 9. who gets access to complex databases? 10. how do media and entertainment companies use the internet?



Kak ya provela letniye kanikuly» Eto leto ya provela ochen' interesno. V iyune khodila v shkol'nyy lager'. Tam my igrali v raznyye igry, khodili v biblioteku, uchastvovali v razlichnykh konkursakh. A v iyule ya poyekhala v lager' "Molodaya Gvardiya". Zdes' ya podruzhilas' so mnogimi devochkami. Utrom my begali, delali zaryadku. V lagere byli razlichnyye meropriyatiya. My igrali v sportivnyye igry. YA nauchilas' igrat' v voleybol i shakhmaty. Ryadom bylo ozero. Tam my kupalis' i uchilis' plavat'. Okolo ozera rosla zemlyanika. My yeyo sobirali i yeli. Priroda v tekh mestakh ochen' krasivaya.

How I spent my summer vacation " I spent this summer very interesting. I went to school camp in June. There we played different games, went to the library, participated in various competitions. And in July I went to the Young Guard camp. Here I made friends with many girls. In the morning we ran and did exercises. There were various activities in the camp. We played sports games. I learned to play volleyball and chess. There was a lake nearby. There we swam and learned to swim. Strawberries grew near the lake. We collected and ate it. The nature in those places is very beautiful.

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