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The world wildlife fund (wwf) is1. international organization involved in savinganimals environment they live in. it3 (found, was found, is founded, was founded) in 1961, and 5 (every, any, many, few) aspects of nature, for example plants,mammals, fish and the6 (correct, other, rural, civil) use ofthe world‘s natural resources.money7 (raises, is raising, is. raised, has raised) from donations by governments, companies,and private individuals, who are interested in8 (protection, protecting, protective, protects)wildlife in its natural habitat. the wwf has succeeded rescuing10__least 30 species of birds and mammals from11 (extinct, extinction, extension, migration). if fashionable womentoday feel12 (happy, excited, embarrassed, guilty) to wear fur coats, it is13(because, due to,owing, thanks) the work of wwf which killing of skin. education is the key, if more people were17 (afraid, fond, aware, tired)of the 19 environment and its wildlife, then perhaps they20(will do, would do, aredoing, did) more to help organizations like the wwf.

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1. an 2. the 3. was founded 4. with 5. many 6.  other 7. is raised 8. protecting 9. in 10. at 11. extinction 12. guilty   13. due to  14. the 15. for 16. - 17. aware 18. of 19. the 20. would do 

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