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1) moony, look! this is my shelf. this is my chair. this is my box. mom! toys! 2) look at his big nose! oh! look,the big octopus! it s not a nose. как прочитать на ?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Лунатик, смотри! это моя полка. это мой стул. это моя коробка. мама! игрушки! 2) посмотрите на его большой нос! о! cмотрите, большой осьминог! это не нос

The american inventor w.h. carrier developed the first air-conditioning unit in 1902. since then, the ( of air-conditioners has increased (. given people's ( to function in the heat, air-conditioners provide them with a feeling of comfort. that is why the ( of even more people installing air-conditioners for ( use in the ( of their own home will increase further. but what do they do? their aim is to ( the temperature in a room. this is accomplished by the ( of a fan, which also removes dust and odours from the air and controls the humidity. the ( of air-conditioner depends on the power of its fan. nowadays there is a great ( of air-conditioners on the market which are bound to cover each person's needs

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