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Transform the following sentences into second conditional sentences. make necessary changes. 0. i can’t buy this pair of shoes. they are not my size. if the shoes were my size, i would buy them. 1. i can’t wear this shirt. it doesn’t match my trousers. 2. i don’t wear this coat. it is out of fashion. 3. he does not put on that cap. it does not suit him. 4. i can’t put on this cardigan. it is too tight. 5. i have to take a raincoat. it is going to rain. 6. he is short. he can’t afford to wear shoulder-padded suit.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if  the shirt  matched my trousers, i could wear it.

2. if  the coat  were not out of fasion, i should wear it.

3. if the cap suited him, he would put it on.

4. if the cardigan weren't too tight, i could put it on.

5. if it weren't going to rain, i shouldn't take a raincoat.

6. if he weren't too short, he could afford to wear shoulder-padded suit.

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