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My brother get up at 7 oclok приаброзовать в общий вопрос

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My brother gets up at 7 o'clock does my brother get up at 7 o'clock?

На эту статью часто  ссылаются  is referred to завершите данное предложение, используя пассивный залог. he  asked   to bring a dictionary. he  was asked  to bring a dictionary. выберите верный вариант.take your coat with you. it rain today. might поставьте в соответствие словам, выделенным скобками в предложениях, их эквиваленты. 1. new principles of work being introduced in the research give positive results.2. the attempt to introduce this principle in the research has brought about much difficulty.3. the students analysed the principles introduced in the research.4.introducing this principle in the research was favoured by all.5. having introduced the new principles of work the researchers started the experiment.

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