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Ex.9. put questions to the underlined words. 1. greta (sing) at the party beautifully. 2. peter (read) three pages yesterday. 3. i (send) the documents by post. 4. it (rain) yesterday. 5. you (enjoy) the house-warming party. 6. we (give) some photos to betsy. 7. mary (do) the housework alone last week. 8. he (get) to the office by taxi. 9. i (go) to england five years ago. 10. we (pay) a fortune for the furniture. 11. the working day (last) seven hours yesterday. 12. it (be) very hot the day before yesterday. 13. frank used to play ping-pong in his childhood. 14. she (receive) four large presents on her birthday. 15. helen (be) absent because she (have) a terrible headache yesterday. 16. the plane (disappear) beyond the mountains. 17. i last (see) jane on monday. 18. all those years they (want) to return to their native town. 19. the teacher (look) at him in amazement. 20. the bag (cost) $ 20. 21. the doctor (speak) to kate quietly. 22. sally (miss) the classes because she (be) ill. 23. nick (enjoy) sports programmes. 24. tom used to run 5 kms a day when he (be) young. 25. dad (fix) his car for four hours yesterday. 26. they (live) in minsk for twenty years before the war. 27. she (use) to be a naughty girl.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Singing red send rained enjoyed

a) the experimental battery car has made at most 60 km without recharging of the batteries.

глагол сказуемое has made - past perfect, 3-е лицо (it), ед. ч.

экспериментальная аккумуляторная машина прошла не более 60 км без подзарядки аккумуляторов.

b) people knew that the electric current was the motion of electrons through an electric conductor.

глагол сказуемое   knew - past simple, 3-е лицо (they), мн. ч.

                                  was - past simple, 3-е лицо (it), ед. ч.

люди знали, что электрический ток-это движение электронов по электрическому проводнику.

c) now the workers are laying down the track.​​

глагол сказуемое   are laying down - present continuous, 3-е лицо (they), мн. ч.

сейчас рабочие прокладывают путь.​​

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