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Поставьте притяжательные местоимения в простой или абсолютной форме: 1) what is phone number? may i phone you? 2) please, give me photo and i will give you. 3) this is mary. and this is brother. name is david. 4) their horse was faster than 5) people fight for rights. 6) we were tired after long business trip. 7) computers are getting deeper and deeper into life. 8) this does not look like umbrella; maybe it is 9) tell him to take ticket; and she must not forget

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1) your 2)your 3)her, his 4)his/our 5)their 6)our 7) our 8)his, her (тут можно и наоборот, тк нет контекста) 9)his, her

the theory of separation of powers was developed by policy researchers such as george.locke, montesquieu, a. hamilton, j. madison, j. jay, and others. according to the theory of separation of powers: - legislative, executive and judicial powers are granted to different persons and bodies in accordance with the constitution; - all authorities are equal before the law and between themselves; - no authority can exercise the rights provided by the constitution to another authority; - the judiciary is independent of political influence, judges are irremovable, independent, inviolable and subject only to the law. in the russian federation the principle of separation of powers is also enshrined in the constitution, which was adopted by national referendum 12 december 1993 to the legislative authorities in the russian federation include: - federal assembly (federation council and state duma - two of the house of assembly), the legislative assembly of the republics comprising the russian federation; - the authorities of other subjects of the russian federation; the local public authorities. to the executive authorities in the russian federation include: - the president of the russian federation; the council of ministers of the russian federation; - top officials of the republics, elected by the citizens or the legislative assembly; - the government of republics; administrations of other subjects of the russian federation. to the judiciary in the russian federation include: the constitutional court of the russian federation; - the supreme court of the russian federation; the supreme arbitration court of the russian federation; courts of the republics and other subjects of the russian federation; - district people's courts; courts of special jurisdiction. the president as head of state in russia is not included in the system of separation of powers, and towers over her, carrying out coordinating functions.

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