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Составить предложения с этими словами(с каждым словом по предложению): carefully; ripping off; motto; spine; brain damage; share; strapped; disability; bumps.

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Ifell on the head bumpsyou should walk very carefully, it's frost in the street.i was strapped to the hand  balls. we came up with our class motto. with a  share  , you can think of many words

Она тщательно скрыла свои следы.  ветер был сильный и срывал листья с деревьев.каждая комаеда должна иметь девиз.у позвоночника много отростков.повреждение головного мозга может к инвалидности.доля связала их вместе.мы крепко привязали кормушки к деревьям.на елках много шишек. she carefully hid their tracks.  the wind was strong and ripping the leaves from the trees.  each komaeda should have a motto.  in many processes of the spine.  brain damage may lead to disability.  share had united them together.  we firmly strapped to trees feeders.  christmas trees on a lot of cones.

Every summer I spent was boring and uneventful. However, this year my father and I went fishing. It sounds like a normal vacation but it's not. During our vacation, we were caught in heavy rain and our car got stuck in the mud. My dad didn't know what to do but thanks to my gut we were saved. All would be well if it were true. We found a lot of worms in the car, so we had to leave the car with our things. We wandered and could not return home and fishing turned into a whole trip. We stopped and made a tent out of planks we found along the way.

It all ended up with the help of the foresters and we returned home.

Despite all this I think it was an unusual vacation and an interesting experience.

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