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Как будет по . меня зовут юра я учусь 3 классе я после уроков хожу на язык и смотрю телевизор ещё я гуляю с друзьями на улице и играю в футбол я люблю бокс и хочу стать оксёром

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello, my name is jura. i'm in year three. after classes i have my english and watch tv. i also go for a walk with my friends in the streets and play football. i like boxing. and i want to become a boxer.

Hi,my name is yura i am puple. i watch tv every day and i went with my friends,play soccer and i like a box and i want be oxer

On the first of june i went for a walk with my friends . we had fun . in the middle of summer i went to the camp . it summer i was at my grandmother and helped dig out potatoes.

Популярно: Английский язык