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Complete the questions, using was or were. then match them to the answers. 1- paul/ at school/ yesterday? a) yes it was yummy! 2- john and jane/ on holiday/ last week? b) yes they were 3- the food/ nice/ at lunchtime? c) no he was ill 4-the shops/ open/ yesterday d) yes they wery in france

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Ответы на вопрос:

1  was paul at school yesterday? c) no he was ill. 2  were  john and jane on holiday last week? d) yes they were in france 3  was  the food  nice at lunchtime? a) yes it was yummy! 4 were  the shops open yesterday? b) yes they were

артикли можно употреблять перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе: cat, frog, cockerel, clock, pen, pencil, stick, hen, dog, box.

перед словами других частей речи артикли не употребляются. исключения составляют прилагательные, после которых стоит исчисляемое существительное в единственном числе.


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