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Напишите рассказ о зимних видах спорта 8-10 предложении.и перевод

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winter sports are played in winter. they are really fun! children usually play sledding, skiing and iceskating. the funnest is sledding. it is nice to slide down a hill really fast. it is even funner if you slide down with someone on a sled. winter sports can be dangerous. when you play them you need to be very carefull. i like winter sports!


зимние виды спорта играют зимой. в них весело играть. дети обычно на санках, на лыжах или на коньках. интереснее всего кататься на санках. приятно сьехать с горы на большой скорости. ище более интерестно кататься с кем-то на санках. зимние виды спорта могут быть опасными. когда ты в них играешь надо быть осторожными. я люблю зимние виды спорта!

winter sports are very popular in russia. these are: skiing, skating, hockey and many others. everybody can find the sport that suits him most. for example girls enjoy skating, and little children love playing snowballs.in fact winter sports can be kinda dangerous. so sportsmen use special equipment for it. i enjoy winter sports, because they are cool and you can spend plenty of time having fun in snow! зимние виды спорта популярны в россии. это лыжи, фигурное катание, хоккей и так далее. каждый может найти спорт по душе. например, девочки любят фигурное катание,маленькие дети - игру в снежки.но зимний спорт может быть достаточно опасным. спортсмены используют различные гаджеты для занятий.я люблю зимний спорт, он прекрасен, и ты можешь сколько угодно времени проводить в снегу!  

During caesar's campaign [kasm'pein] against rome he had to crossa small river, the rubicon. the river flowed on the border between gaul and  roman republic. to cross the republican border with the military force was equal to the open declaration of war. having ordered (приказав) his chariot to stop, caesar sat thinking for the long time hesitating what decision to take. then, ready to face his future bravely, he said: "the die is cast," and ordered his troops into the water.after the quick and easy victory over one of his opponents in asia minor, caesar sent message which contained only three latin words; thecorresponding english words were: "i came,i saw,i conquered."

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