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Перевидите предложения: где живет этот рабочий? мой сын не живет в москве его жена изучает и французкий язык где работает это преподаватель? - он работает здесь мой друг изучает 2 иностарных я зыка какие он обычно делаеет дома? какие он делает сейчас? их сыновья изучают язык сейчас какие книги читает этот инженер? что он читает сейчас ? вы делаете много дома ? - да , много только не через переводичк

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Ответы на вопрос:

Where does the worker live? my son doesn't live in moscow. his wife learnes eanglish and french languages. where does this teacher work? -he works here. my friend learns two foreign languages. what exercises does he usually do at home? what exercises is he doing now? their sons are learning english now. what books does this   engeneer read? what is he reading now? do you do a lot of exercises at home? -yes, a lot of

Where does this work? my son lives not in moscow his wife is studying english and french language where does this teacher? - it works here my friend is studying 2 inostrannyh i language what exercises he usually delaet home? what exercises he does now? their sons studying english now what books she reads this engineer? that it reads now ? you do a lot of exercises at home? ' yes , very much 

Диалог о toothache: max: hi alex, how are you doing? alex: hi max, i am great thanks, and you? m: not very well. i am lying in bed recovering after a dentist appointment. a: oh, sounds bad. why did you need to see the dentist? m: i had a terrible toothache. turned out that i had to have one of my wisdom  teeth pulled out.  a: ouch, must have been painful. is that why you didn't come to play football with us?   m: yes, i was at the dentist clinic then. sorry for not coming. did you have fun? a: don't worry about it. i hope you get better soon. yes, we enjoyed it a lot and we won! we are playing again on saturday, you should come with us if you feel better by then! m: amazing! yes, i  should be better by saturday so i will come with you. what time? a: we are meeting at 11 a.m. at the usual place.  m: perfect, i will see you then. bye-bye. a: okay, see you.  еще вот диалог про help buy a new bag: jane: hello? hannah: hi jane, how are you? j: i am very well, thanks. what are you doing now? h: it's my mum's birthday next week so i am trying to decide to get her.  j: i see, have you got any ideas?   h: yes, i am thinking of either getting her a new bag or a dress. i know that she needs a new bag so i may buy it for her. i am going to town tomorrow after school, would you like to come with me and help me choose a nice bag?   j: sure, i will need to go home to get changed and have some food first though if that's all right.  h: yes, sounds good to me. shall we meet at 2: 30 p.m. by the bus stop?   j: okay, see you there. h: thanks for agreeing to come with me, see you.  диалоги написаны по примеру из файла. 

Популярно: Английский язык