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Янаписала о себе, о своих увлечениях. проверьте ошибки. talking about my hobbies, first of all i enjoy to listen music. music is my everything. i think that it is one of the most important things in my life. my favorite kind of music is hevy metal, and not everybody can listen to it. but for me it is the best music. art is the way of life of my soul. my favorite sort of art is literature. it is wonderful when you feel the cover of this book, breathe on its smell and hear how pages are rusted. i enjoy skating in winter and roller-blading, riding a bike and swimming in all the other seasons. i also like languages. english is my favorite one. i also love my native language and i would like to learn deutsche. but it is a different story

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To listen to music taht's good  job : d

Internet is really helpful, but sometimes it's kinda dangerous too. in one hand internet helps us to find the information we are looking for. it helps to meet new people. it helps to find the way to the place we want go to or read the book that we can't find in the bookshop. but in the other hand it's dangerous for our health. after hours in the internet we lose visual perception and have bad bearing. so, internet can be useful, but dangerous.

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