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Заменить прямую речь в предложениях на косвенную. then one day, mr.lloyd said to his wife, " philip's five now, and the barber is going to cut his hair next time". he took philip there the next day, and first the barber cut mr.lloyd's hair.then he put philip in the chfir and said, " how do you want your hair, young man? " "like my father's, answered philip. "with a hole in the middle".

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Then one day, mr.lloyd said to his wife that  philip was five then, and the barber was going to cut his hair next time. he took philip there the next day, and first the barber cut mr.lloyd's hair.then he put philip in the chair and asked how he wanted his hair. philip answered that he wanted his hair like his father's, with a hole in the middle.

we usually watch news on tv.

we were at the theatre at this time yesterday.

we decided to visit our granny on sunday.

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