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Вставьте слова в правильной форме: 1) fifty; 2) act; 3)rely; 4) move; 5)activate; 6)locate; 7)observe; 8)equip; 9)measure; 10)illuminate sinse the late 1 thousands of artificial satelliters have been put in the earth is orbit. many are now out of just scrap metal in space. some satellites provide 3 information for weather forecasting. others can
measure 4 in the earth is crust which may indicate earthquake 5 in the near future. there are satellites which can indicate the exact of forest fires long before they could be spotted by on the earh. some satellites have sensitive photographic 8 which can show how well crops are growing in the fields and make 9 of rivers and desert. in the future, satellites. in the form of giant
mirrors, could provide 10 for cities and roads by reflecting the sun is rays onto earth is nigh side.

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sinse the late fifties, thousands of artificial satelliters have been put in the earth is orbit. many are now out of action, just scrap metal in space. some satellites provide reliable information for weather forecasting. others can measure movement  in the earth is crust which may indicate earthquake activity in the near future. there are satellites which can indicate the exact location of forest fires long before they could be spotted by observation on the earh. some satellites have sensitive photographic equipment which can show how well crops are growing in the fields and make measurement  of rivers and desert. in the future, satellites. in the form of giant mirrors, could provide illumination for cities and roads by reflecting the sun is rays onto earth is nigh side.

It was the coldest day of the year. Jake looked out of his bedroom window towards the frozen lake. For a moment, he wasn't sure what he was looking at.He went outside,and see high slide that made from snow.He climbed to it and slides very fast.For him it was so funny,he went to lake and skate.

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