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Мою маму зовут алеся, она работает поваром, а папу сергей, он работает строителем. мой брат максим ходит в детский сад и ему 3 года. у меня есть бабушка и дедушка, мы с братом отдыхаем у них летом. недавно родители купили нам хомяка, а назвали мы его хома.

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Ответы на вопрос:

My mother's name is alice. she is a cook. my father's name is sergey. he is an architect.my brother max goes to the nursery school, he is 3 years old. i have grandmother and greandfather, my brother and i usually have a rest with them in our village. recently our parents bought us a hamster, we call it homa.

1) the room is  being cleaned by a chambermaid2) where is a bell-boy?   a bell-boy is being looked  for  by us.3)shirts  are being washed by  the laundress now.4)  a tv set is  being repaired by a hotel clerk at this moment.5) the room  is being vacated  by then  now.6)  the hotel manager is being waited for by me

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