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Выбери правильное слово. обведи соответствующую букву. example: tiny … early every day. a) gets up b) got up c) will get up “tomorrow we … shopping,” father elephant said. a) go b) went c) will go there … a lot of flowers in the park a week ago. a) are b) were c) will be alice didn’t … tom and tim at the party. a) see b) saw c) sees did he … the flowers yesterday? – yes, he did a) waters b) water c) watered where does she … ? – in the park. a) skates b) skate c) skated раскрой скобки. поставь прилагательные в сравнительную или превосходную степень. example: the trainers are bigger than his shoes. (big) the blue scarf is than the green scarf. (warm) i think the blue jeans are the (good) look! the red t-shirt is than the yellow t-shirt. (small) mag’s dress is the (beautiful) this black umbrella is the (bad) вставь пропущенные слова: some, any, no. - would you like apple juice? yes, please. i’d love have you got apples? no, sorry. i haven’t got apples. but i have got oranges. i’m afraid i don’t want oranges. i would like apples. – mag, is there bread at home? no, there is bread at home. i hope you’ll go and buy some. прошу

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.tiny gets up early every day.tomorrow we will go  shopping,” father elephant said. there were a lot of flowers in the park a week ago  alice didn’t see tom and tim at the party. did he water the flowers yesterday? – yes, he did  where does she skate ? – in the park  2. the blue scarf is warmer  than the green scarf.  i think the blue jeans are the best.  look! the red t-shirt is smaller than the yellow t-shirt.  mag’s dress is the the most beautifull this black umbrella is the worst. 3. - would you like any apple juice? yes, please. i’d love some. have you got any apples?   no, sorry. i haven’t got any apples. but i have got some oranges.  i’m afraid i don’t want any oranges. i would like apples.  – mag, is there any bread at home?   no, there is no bread at home.  все правильно, могу заверить : )


consolidated, individual.

to strive, to think, to reason.

live and learn!


Популярно: Английский язык