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hi kurt!

hi kate!

it's nice to see you again on such a fine day!

i am glad to see you too!

hey, i was talking with everyone about their summer plans but i haven't heard from you what you are going to be doing.

it's cause you never asked.

well, i am asking you now.

ok, i will tell you. this summer my familly and i are going to go to the azov sea. we have some relative's there. i really enjoy going there. i am able to meet my cousins and old friends, go swimming and have a great time!

that sounds like a lot of fun!

it sure will be! so now about you. what are you going to be doing this summer.

first, i am going to go to my grandmothers summer house and help her with her garden. my friends will be organising a hike to the karpathian mountains so i will be joining them for some time. and last but not least, i am going to go to germany. my parents have been wanting to go see it for a very long time and now they finally got the oppertunity. and i am going to go with them.

oh, so thats why you are so interested in my summer plans.


so you can show of with your cool summer!

no. i really was interested in knowing what your summer will be like.

yeah, whatever. see you in class kate!

1. concert preparingpreparing your name and surname in english language , 5th grade2. there are many talentedthere many talented students in my class.the students in my class.3. some of them attend music and art schools.4. i think the best candidate for prenata participation in the concert is5. alyonaalyona she can sing folk songs. she can sing folk songs. she sang folk songs for many years. 6. she mashamasha can dance. she knows how to dance. she danced from the age of three. 7. dasha and karina, they can play the piano. they played the piano for five years.  8 mishamisha he can playhe could play the cello beautifully. it has a beautiful cello. he played the cello for four years.played cello for four years. 9 nikitanikita he may very well play the guitar . he played the guitar for years.  10. we invite everyone to take part inwe invite everyone to take part in our concert! 1. концерт preparingpreparing   свое имя и фамилия на яз , 5-й класс2. есть много talentedthere много талантливых учеников в моем классе.ученики в моем классе.3. некоторые из них посещают музыкальные и художественные школы.4. я думаю, что лучшие кандидатуры для принятя участия в концерте это5. alyonaalyona она может петь народные песни. она может петь народные песни. она исполнила народные песни на протяжении многих лет. 6. она mashamasha может танцевать. умеет она танцевать. она танцевала с трех лет. 7. даша и карина, они могут играть на пианино. они играли на пианино в течение пяти лет.  8 mishamisha он может playhe сможет играть на виолончели красиво. он имеет виолончель красиво. он играл на виолончели в течение четырех лет.играл на виолончели в течение четырех лет. 9 nikitanikita он может хорошо играть на гитаре . он играл на гитаре в течение года.  10. мы приглашаем всех принять участие inwe приглашаем всех принять участие в нашем концерте!

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