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Мини сочинение на языке про доспримечатильности лондана с перводом

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Marie tussaud (1761-1850) , nee groskholtts (grosholts), was born in strasbourg , her mother worked as a housekeeper for dr. phillip curtis engaged in wax models. he taught marie tussaud the art of working with wax. in 1765 she made a wax figure of joan murray dyubari , mistress of louis xv.the first exhibition of wax works by phillip curtis was held in 1770 and enjoyed great success . in 1776, the exhibition was held in the palais royal in paris. next event on the boulevard du temple in 1782, a predecessor of the cabinet of horror .in 1777, marie tussaud created her first wax figure (voltaire ) , and then followed by jean-jacques rousseau , benjamin franklin . during the french revolution she made death masks of the royal family . after his death in 1794 his collection phillip curtis goes to mary tussauds.in 1802, marie tussaud moved to london . in connection with the anglo-french war marie tussaud and her collection can not return to france, she was forced to travel across the uk and ireland . in 1835 was established the first permanent exhibition on baker street in london.one of the central parts of her museum was the chamber of horrors . part of the exhibition included victims of the french revolution , the figures of murderers and other criminals .over time, the collection was filled figures and other famous people , such as admiral nelson , walter scott . in 1884, the collection moved to marylebone road . in 1925 a fire destroyed many of the figures . forms are not affected, and the figures were reconstructed .

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