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On new year's day all english schoolchildren make new year resolutions. they make up lists of shortcomings which they intend to correct. the chil' dren. their mothers and fathers, and their friends laugh and have a good time when they read them the children promise to keep them. напишите произношение

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Он нью йеарс дей олл инглиш скулл  чилдрен мэйк нью йеар ресолюшонс. зей мэйк ап листс оф шоткоминг вич зей интенд ту корректс. зэ  чилдрен. зеир мэйзес анд фэйзес, анд зеир френдс лауф анд хэв э гууд тайм вэн зэй рид зем зе чилдрен  промэйз ту кип зем.

I'd like to tell you about my hobbies.i have got a lot of hobbies. i like dance also i like reading it make me dream. 5

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