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Ответить на вопросы) 1. do you have a lot of problems? how do you try to solve them? 2. do you ask anybody for advice? do you talk about your problems with other people? 3. what kinds of problems do your classmates usually have? 4. have you ever solved somebody else's problems? 5. have you ever written to an advice column? do you often read the advice columns in magazines? what can you learn from the answers? are all problems of equal importance? 6. in what way are today's young ukrainians different from those of the same age - six or seven years ago?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Перевод вопросов: 1. у вас много проблем? как вы пытаетесь их решить? 2. вы просите кого-то дать совет? говорите ли вы о своих проблемах с другими людьми? 3. какие проблемы имеют ваши одноклассники? 4. вы когда либо решали чьи-то проблемы? 5. вы когда либо писали в газету, чтобы получить совет? вы часто читаете колонку с советами в журналах? что вы можете узнать из ответов? все проблемы одинаково важны? 6. чес современная украинская молодежь отличается от той, что была шесть или семь лет назад? напиши ответы на . попробую перевести.

1.есть у тебя проблемы?

Если перевод,то вот: , писать короткие смешные в вашей жизни. вот: this story claims to authenticity, and told one girl : "once i took off for the summer half of the house in the village. and i was dog " noble " blood, simply put, a mongrel - bobby . he was very curious and restless . and on a nearby half owners lived at home, and they had a favorite - rabbit kesha some rare breed , white and fluffy . it cost $ 300. neighbours it doted , fed in a special way , combed cage rabbit standing in the garden, and there is often spun bobby - the countries studiedbeast. then one day i was sitting on the porch , and suddenly i see - my dog runs - all in the dirt in the ground - and drags in the teeth of the very doroguschego rabbit -dead , of course, and grimy . well everyone , i think, will go nuts ! got the same to keshka ! immediately reminded of 300 bucks - where i 'll take that kind of money then i had the idea : robbed rabbit , dog and punished became unhappy keshka wash shampoo. then dry it with hairdryer, combed ,and - softly - softly - made ​​her way to the neighbor's territory. planted rabbit in his cage , trying to give him a natural position ,and shoved him in the likelihood teeth carrot. then quickly went back to her and sit - waiting to see what will happen next. hour passes , two, three suddenly - a knock at the door.open - standing in the doorway neighbor - white as chalk, square eyes well , i think it started! a neighbor says : - masha , can you imagine - our kesha died yesterday , we buried him in the garden and now i see - he sits in his cage and , as if nothing had happened, eating a carrot masha , you have validol "

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