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Выучить 10 предложений по временам со словом play

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Ответы на вопрос:

i play football. - present simple.

i played football yesterday. - past simple.

i wil play football tomorrow. - future simple.

i am playing football now. - pr. cont-s

i was playing football at 7 o'clock yesterday. - past cont-s

i will be paying football at 5 o'clock. - future cont-s

i had played football by 3 o'clock. - past perfect

i have just played football. - pr. perf.

i will have played football by dinner - fut. per.

i had been playing football for 2 hours when he came. - pr. perfect progressive





i am playing a game at the moment.

i was playing the football when she phoned.

i played the basketball two years ago.

i am keen on playing basketball .

i will never play football.

i will be playing football .

i have already been played football.

i have played the game.

i had played the game.

i will have been playing a game.

1) he (went) to the theatre with us last week. 2) she (does not get up) early in the morning. 3) pupils (will have) test tomorrow. 4) it (is) spring now.our grandparents lived in the country. there was a large forest not far from their house. there were many mushrooms and berries in the forest. there were also many animals and plants in the forest. there was a small lake behind the house.

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