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Ask questions to the given answers. -yes, we did. we ran in the park yesterday. -no, he didnt. bob didnt ride a pony at the zoo last week. -yes, they did. my parents went to london two years ago. - no, i didnt. i didnt read this book last summer. -

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) did you ran at the park  (yesterday)? 2)  did bob ride a pony at the zoo (last week)? 3)  did your parents went to london two years ago? 4) did you read this book last summer?

Did we run in the park yesterday ? did he ride a pony at the zoo last week? did they went to london two years ago? did i read this book last summer?

1 torture (пытки)

2 rustling (шуршать)

3 violent (ужасный)

4 dull (тусклый)

5 mythical (мифический)

6 survived (выжил)

7 glimpse (взгляд)

8 Sightings (наблюдения)

9 illusion (иллюзия)

10 humped (горбатый)

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