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Добавить хвостиковые вопросы к п редложениям a footballer has to be strong in his a cricketer needs the strong you don`t need expensive it used to take my dad an hour a day to train in the gym to keep fit and he has to spend a little more time on his

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) a footballer has to be strong in his legs, has not he? 2) a cricketer needs the strong muscles, doesn't he? 3)you dont need expensive equipment, do you? 4) it used to take   my dad an hour a day   to  train   in the gym to keep fit and healthy, didn't it? 5) he has to spend a little more time on his trainings, hasn't he?

вот третье задание:

has been raining

have been sitting

have been swimming

has been learning

has been working


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