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Heeelp нужно сделать эту работу переделайте эти предложения в пассивный залог 1 they are holding a festival next month 2 the company will offer guided tours 3 they must fix the the lock on that door 4 somebody stole a famous painting from the gallery yesterday 5 did robert design that leaflet? а эти предложения в активный залог 1 some money will be given to charity by elaine 2 the room has been decorated by ray 3the fence will be repaired by jenny tomorrow 4 the eiffel tower is admired for its unusual design 5 that note wasn't written by rosie.

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1. the festival is being held next month. 2. guided tours will be offered by the company. 3. the lock must be fixed by them on that door. 4. yesterday a famous painting was stolen by somebody from the gallery. 5. was that leaflet designed by robert? 1. elaine will give some money to charity. 2. ray has decorated the room. 3. jenny will repair the fence tomorrow. 4. everyone admires the eiffel tower for its unusual design. 5. rosie didn' t write that note.

2appel (she) it''s her apell 3 pen (you) it''s your pen 4 orange (he) it''s his 5 banana ( she) it''s her 6 bed ( you ) it''s your bed 7 cake ( she ) it''s her cake 8 cheery (he) it''s his cheery 9 shell (you) it''s your shell 10 mellon (he) it''s his mellon

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