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Заполнить пропуски притяжательными местоимениями: we're srudents.this .the door is white.i'm at home room is small,but it's light and clean.these are.. are mary and ann.,please.sit down,peter..mark is 'good'.is she a teacher? are these boys and ? this man is an 's petrov

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We're students.this is our classroom. the door in our classroom is white.i'm at home now. my room is small,but it's light and clean.these  are my sisters whose names are mary and ann.open your books,please.sit down,peter, your mark is 'good'.is she a teacher? are these boys and girls our pupils? this man is an engineer. his name's petrov

1am, is, are 2am 3is 4we, you, they 5do, does 6does kate get up at 7 o'clock every morning? 7do kate and ann get up at 7 o'clock every morning? 8usually every day(week, month, year) always often, sometimes regularly seldom from time to time rarely never on mondays at weekends at 7 o'clock

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