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1. выберите правильный вариант перевода форм причастий или герундия, данных в скобках. 1) the most essential characteristic of the british civil service is the responsibility of the minister for every act (выполненное) in his department. a) doing b) done c) having been done 2) he spends a lot of time (нанимая) employees. a) hiring b) having hired c) having been hired 3) do you mind (если я уволю) this civil servant? a) my dismissing b) my dismissed c) my having dismissed 4) (после того, как он занимал) one of the most senior positions in the civil service for many years he was retired. a) having hold b) having been hold c) hold 5) i believe you can be passionate without (быть пристрастным) a) be partial b) being partial c) having been partial

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1) c 2) a 3) a 4) b 5) b

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