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Нужно перевести на анг-! в человеке всё должно быть прекрасно: и лицо, и одежда, и душа, и сказал великий писатель а. п. чехов сперва в порядок свою комнату, а уж потом принимайся за остальной мир -эти слова сказал джефф джордан

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In  person all should be perfect:   his face and clothes and spirit and so said great russian writer a.p.chekhov first  set  in order your room, and only then make for rest of the world. this words said jeff jordan.

In the person all should be fine: his face and clothes, and  soul and thoughts so said the great russian writer  first set in order his room, and only then make a  for the rest of the world-these words said jeff jordan

1. why are you laughing? – he has told us a funny story. 2. i have not seen this film. i will go to see it this week. 3. my friends are waiting for me now. i have not seen them for ages. 4. he had learnt new words for 3 hours yesterday. 5. it was raining when i got up. 6. i was taking shower when you called me. 7. she believes she'll have become famous by the time she’s thirty. 8. they'll have finish their meeting by 4 o’clock this afternoon. 9. i'll have cleaned the room by the time you come back. 10. he listened to with great attention. 11. trees are being planted in the garden now. 12. all the food had been eaten by the time i got there. 13. the project had been finished by wednesday afternoon. 14. a new bicycle was given to bill by his father. 15. the house is being built now.

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