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Complete this short text with a suitable word or phrase in each gap. i live and work in milan but i like to ( at the weekend if possible.my parents have a small house in the ( , about 100 kilometres from milan,and it's a great place to go if you want a bit of peace and ( . in the summer you can just (4) by the pool during the hottest part of the day, then in the evening go for a (5) through the village or over the fields. sometimes we go out for the whole day and have a ( somewhere,by the lake or next to one of the many vineyards. , надо! ) заранее )

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) visited my parents 2) countryside 3) relax 4) swimming 5) walk 6) picniс

1.we  will take  a taxi.- мы возьмём такси. 2.i  will go  to london  a few timesnext year. – я  посещу  лондон  несколько раз  в следующем году. 3.he  will spend  his vacation in china. – он  проведет  отпуск в китае 4.i  will  go to shanghai next summer. следующим летом я поеду в шанхай. 5.she  will call  me  tonight. – она  позвонит  мне  вечером 6.we’ll return  in 4 hours. мы вернемся через 4 часа 7.8.i cannot wait for my vacation. i  shall go  to the river,  swim  and  fish  every day. не могу дождаться своего отпуска. буду каждый день ходить к речке, купаться и ловить рыбу. 9.i will swim in the pool 10.they will teach english

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