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Быстрее . fill in the gaps. use the verbs in the right form. i in the park and my notes at the moment (sit,write). it hot (be). i this hot weather (hate).i not to sithere (want). but roger tennis with his friend (play). they and (run? laugh). they neither ice cream nor cold lemonade (need). they fun (have). they this weather (like)/ oh, i an icecream man! (see). its
great. ice cream cold and tastes good (be). now i

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Ответы на вопрос:

i am sitting in the park and writing my notes at the moment. it is hot. i hate this hot weather.i do not want to sithere . but roger is playing tennis with his friend . they are running and laughing. they needneither ice cream nor cold lemonade. they are having fun . they like this weather. oh, i see an icecream man! its great. ice cream is cold and tastes good.

: )

есть такие слова, которые используются только в present simple, к ним относятся:

hate, like, need, love, preath,know.want, think, believe, understand, forget, remember, mean, hear,see, feel, taste, sound, look)

удачи: )

i  am sitting  in the park and  writing  my notes at the moment. it  is  hot . i  hate this hot weather .i  do  not  want  to sit here . but roger  is playing  tennis with his friend . they are running  and lauhing. they need  neither ice cream nor cold lemonade. they are having fun . they  like this weather. oh, i  see  an icecream man! . its great. ice cream is  cold and tastes good. now i  am eating ice cream and enjoying my life.

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