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:rewrite the following sentences in reported speech. 1) 'we're very happy with the hotel room.' they said . 2) ` i'll be glad when it's all finished.` she told me .' 3) ` you can start the race when i say “ go ".' he told us 4) `we're going to leave tomorrow.' they

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1- they said that they were very happy with the hotel room. 2- she told me that she would be glad when it was all finished. 3- he told us that we could start when he said to go. 4- they said that they were going to leave the next day.

Flowers are regarded as a marvelous creation of nature. That’s how the nature speaks to us. It conveys love, peace and harmony through flowers. Any event receives a new meaning when decorated with flowers. To my mind all flowers are bewitching and glorious: red tulips, field daisies, chrysanthemums, lilacs, orchids. Цветы относятся к чудесным созданиям природы. Таким образом, природа общается с нами. Посредством цветов она передает любовь, мир и гармонию. Любое событие получает новый смысл, если украшено цветами. На мой взгляд, все цветы чарующи и прекрасны: красные тюльпаны, полевые ромашки, хризантемы, сирень, орхидеи.

But my favourite flower is the red rose. In my opinion, it is the most beautiful and graceful flower. It can be presented to show ardent love and devotion. However, most people buy them on any occasion, be it someone’s birthday or wedding day, anniversary or special holiday. People know that roses show respect and good attitude. That’s why nearly everyone loves them. Rose oil and petals are used in gastronomy and cosmetology. For example, I know that some nations make a delicious marmalade from rose petals. And, the beauticians use the essence of rose to make face masks or conditioner for hair.

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