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Переведите текст на язык (переводчиком пользоваться ) going underground in the 1860s london was, quite literally, the capital of the world. the city was growing, and as its population grew as well, transport in the city became a big problem. some new way of travelling was needed and people looked to the innovations of the industrial revolution. the invention of the steam engine was relatively new and exciting and people began to think that it could be possible to transport people by trains underground. so it was that in 1863, using techniques borrowed from digging tunnels for other uses, a 2-mile line from paddington in west london to farringdon in east london was built. major cities all over the world soon copied this type of city transit engineering. the most famous include: 1. moscow underground which is the largest in terms of passenger numbers, with more than a billion passenger journeys a year. some underground stations are very beautiful and include sculptures, mosaic pictures in the ceilings, picturesque decorations. the price of a metro ticket is less than $0,5. the first line was open in the thirties of the 20th century.

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  появление метро.   в 1860-х годах лондон был, в буквальном смысле, столицей мира. город рос, и так как его население росло тоже, транспорт в городе стал большой проблемой.   был нужен новый способ передвижения, и люди обратили взоры на инновации промышленной революции. изобретение парового двигателя являлось относительно новым и захватывающим, и люди стали думать, что можно было бы с его перевозить людей на поездах в метро. так получилось, что в 1863 году, используя методы, заимствованные из рытья туннелей для других целей, построили 2-километровый тоннель от вокзала паддингтон на западе лондона в фаррингдон в ист-лондон. крупные города во всем мире только скопировали этот тип городского транспорта технически. самый известный включает в себя: 1. московский метрополитен, который является крупнейшим по уровню пассажиропотока, с более, чем миллиард пассажирских поездок в год. некоторые станции метро красивы и включают в себя скульптуры, мозаичные картины на потолке, живописные украшения. цена билета на метро составляет менее 0,5$. первая линия была открыта в тридцатых годах 20-го века.

The sale of goods act makes reference to ‘the seller’, this is the shop, the retailer, or the individual you bought it from, and is who you made the contract with. it is not the manufacturer, and don’t let the shop tell you otherwise! if there is an obvious fault with the item at any time within the first 6 months and it has not been caused by wear and tear or misuse, your first port of call must be the shop you bought it from. they have the responsibility to put the matter right, and should not evade this responsibility by referring you to the manufacturer in the context of a guarantee or warranty. even after this 6 month period, if the item breaks down prematurely , you should always go back to the shop or retailer in the first instance. your statutory rights under the sale of goods act take precedence over and above any warranty or guarantee you may have with either the retailer or manufacturer. it is misleading for a shop to tell you they can do nothing simply because their warranty or guarantee has run out, because you will still have your statutory rights. see our section on guarantees and extended warranties for more info.

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