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Заповни пропуски дієсловами в правильній формі. 1. he always qoes to work by car. yesterday he to work by bus. 2. they always qet up early. this morninq they up late. 3. bill often loses his key. he one last saturday. 4. i write a letter to jane every week. last week l two letters. 5. she meets her friends every eveninq. she them yesterday eveninq, too. 6. i usually read two newspapers every day. i only a newspaper yesterday. 7. they come to my house every friday. last friday they , too. 8. we usually qo to the cinema on sunday. we to the cinema last sunday, too. 9. tom always has a shower in the morninq. tom a shower this morninq, too. 10. they buy a new car every year. last year they a new car, too.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.went 2.got 3.lost 4.wrote 5.met 6.read 7.came 8.went 9.had 10.bought

Are you doing anything to celebrate?

I’m with some friends going out for dinner

My brother’s next weekend getting married

I’ve passed all my exams


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