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Нужна ваша ! john is my closest friend. we __1__ in touch since we in oxford .john the city now. he a lot of money. he his student life and that very soon he partner in his firm. john __8__me.and i can`t .i career ,or money, or a flash car. but i also haven`t got a boss, a suit ,or a tie ,which i have there __12__nothing that anyone can __13__me __14__or from me .i __16__absolutely free. john he nut he i let it. 1.a. were b. are c. have been d. has been 2. a. are b. were c. has been d. was 3. a. work b. worked c. has worked d. is working 4. a. makes b. make c. have made d. is made 5. a. is saying b. says c. said d. have said 6. a. doesn`t miss b .don`t miss c. wasn`t missing d. haven`t missed 7.a. become b. becomes c. is becoming d. will become 8. a. likes b. like c. is liking d. have liked 9. a. understand b. to understand c. understood d. understanding 10. a. hasn`t b. to doesn`t have c. didn`t have d. don`t have 11. a. wear b. to wear c. wearing d. worn 12. a. be b. are c. am d. is 13. a. to make b. made c. make d. makes 14. a. do b. doing c. todo d. did 15. to take b. takes c. took d. take 16. a. be b. am c. are d. is 17. a. try b. tries c. tried d. was tried 18. a. to hide b. hide c. hides d. hiding 19. a. like b. likes c. liked d. would like 20. a. to do b. do c. does d. doing 21. a. to do b. do c. does d. doing

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Ябилли. я живу в лесу я думаю я красив у меня много друзей я хожу в школу. я умею писать. я люблю конфеты, мед, джем и торты(пирожные) но я не люблю кабочок и кукурузу ты любишь конфеты?

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